Organizational Training

Let our Professional Education Team customize a training for your team!  

Customized Training to Advance Your Company’s Greatest Asset

Professional Education staff closely collaborates with corporate partners to design educational training opportunities for your engineers and other valuable employees.

Working together with your company and UConn faculty, we develop customized training and development programs to meet the specific training needs of corporations. By identifying the training needs of your company, we develop curriculum and course content, and deliver a tailored program to address your individual training objectives.

  • Convenience – We design and deliver the program around your company’s constraints and requirements to make it more convenient for you and the participants.
  • Flexibility – We can deliver the program on-site at your location, or online modality with an interactive environment with our faculty to study high quality content. We can also provide flexibility and reach across your company's multiple locations, including international offices.
  • Relevance – Acquire skill sets that are relevant to the daily objectives of your workforce.
  • No Work Disruption – Classes can be scheduled during afternoons or evenings to avoid any workday interruptions.
  • Quality – Participants have direct interaction with UConn engineering faculty.
  • Customized Training – Opportunities are geared toward your needs.
  • Sample Topics – Advanced Systems Engineering (category specific), Communication for Engineers, Cyber Security Underwater Acoustics, Electronic Warfare.